Follow Professional Tipsters

Monday 31 August 2015

This Is How I Will Win At The US Open

In the last week I have reminded you about the simple method I use for every knockout tournament.

It's basically an easy way of guaranteeing a tax free profit for little or no work.

If you have missed this method you can view it at the bottom of today's blog, or by clicking on previous blogs by scrolling down.

Today sees the start of the US Tennis Open. 

To make things simple I will concentrate on the men's side of the draw. I shall use this method to guarantee myself a £2 tax free profit from this tournament. I shall follow the method through as stated in the rules until I have made my tax free £2!

Remember you can look to make any money from each tournament, but be careful to make sure you have a big enough bank roll if your player wins a few rounds.

So here we go....

I have decided by looking at the draw and previous form that my player for the US Open, who can NOT win the tournament is Britain's James Ward.

In his first round game James Ward plays Thomaz Bellucci from Brazil.

Because I believe that James Ward will not win the tournament I shall be backing his opponent today Thomaz Bellucci.

Bellucci is priced 1/4 to win.

This means I will need to place £8 on Bellucci to win to collect my £2 profit.

This game is due to be played on Tuesday, so we shall keep an eye how we get on throughout the tournament.

A reminder of this simple strategy is below...

I have personally used this strategy for over twenty years and it has NEVER let me down.

You simply need to be sensible and professional in your staking.

The strategy will not make you a millionaire over night, but it will give you tax free money in your back pocket time ant time again for little work.

The strategy...

Firstly we are looking for a knock out tournament. It doesn't matter what sport it is as the strategy works on all sports. I would suggest however that the knock out tournament lasts no longer than a month, as your final winnings could be tied up for quite some time.

I have used this strategy in the English F.A.Cup, but with the rounds being played roughly once a fortnight it can be a few months before you 'collect'. However if you are professional and look at the long term profit this is not a problem.

Secondly, once we have found a knock out tournament, we are looking for a player or team that has no chance of winning the tournament.

A little bit of knowledge will help of course, but is not massively important as long as your are sensible here and look for outsiders with a bad draw or playing a hot favourite.

For this example I will use last years F.A.Cup.

Of course the early stages of the F.A.Cup start in August. This is when non league teams fight it out to join the big boys in the 1st Round Proper at the beginning of November. So we shall start our conquest to find a team that can not win the F.A.Cup from the First Round Proper!

Looking at the teams in the first round, we can see that if we are being honest none of the non league or League One or League Two teams are likely to go on and win the F.A.Cup. But the idea is to make a reasonable profit from our outlay at decent odds.

I decide that Warrington Town can NOT win the F.A.Cup, they are drawn to play Exeter at home in the 1st Round. Warrington come from level eight of the football pyramid and Exeter in League Two are from level four.

I am looking to win £5 from this tournament.

Exeter are priced at 4/6 to win at Warrington. I back Exeter at 4/6 with a £10 stake (because Warrington can not win the F.A.Cup). If Exeter win the game I will make £6.66 profit and return £16.66 in total.

However there is a cup shock with Warrington winning the game 1-0 and knocking Exeter out of the cup.

This means I am now £10 down.

I now wait till the second round draw, still very much confident of making a profit in this tournament because I know that Warrington can NOT win the F.A.Cup!

In the second round Warrington are drawn away to level five side Gateshead.
Gateshead And Warrington Battle
It Out In Last Seasons F.A.Cup

Gateshead are priced 1/2 to win the game. Therefore I stake accordingly to win my £5 target from this tournament.

I place a £30 on Gateshead to beat Warrington at 1/2. If they win I will return £45. This means a profit of £15, minus £10 lost in first game. I win my target £5 over all.

The game is played and Gateshead win 2-0.

I have made my targeted £5 profit from this tournament by simply picking a team that I knew could NOT win the F.A.Cup!

I would suggest targeting small £5, £10 or maybe £20 target profits. Because on occasions your player or team may go on a good run and win a few rounds. Therefore you will need a bank big enough to recoup previous losses and make your initial profit.

This is a very simple method of winning very regularly on a wide range of sports.

Try it out.

Have a great day.

Saturday 29 August 2015

How To Find Two Winners (Or Even Losers) In The Upcoming US Open

I thought I would share a simple strategy with you today that works time and time again. I thought this would be a prime time for you to try this with the US Tennis Open due to start shortly. Here we have the chance to have two winners for the Mens & Womens tournaments. Follow the rules below and let me know how you get on. Remember all you need to do is find two players who can NOT win their tournaments!

I have personally used this strategy for over twenty years and it has NEVER let me down.

You simply need to be sensible and professional in your staking.

The strategy will not make you a millionaire over night, but it will give you tax free money in your back pocket time ant time again for little work.

The strategy...

Firstly we are looking for a knock out tournament. It doesn't matter what sport it is as the strategy works on all sports. I would suggest however that the knock out tournament lasts no longer than a month, as your final winnings could be tied up for quite some time.

I have used this strategy in the English F.A.Cup, but with the rounds being played roughly once a fortnight it can be a few months before you 'collect'. However if you are professional and look at the long term profit this is not a problem.

Secondly, once we have found a knock out tournament, we are looking for a player or team that has no chance of winning the tournament.

A little bit of knowledge will help of course, but is not massively important as long as your are sensible here and look for outsiders with a bad draw or playing a hot favourite.

For this example I will use last years F.A.Cup.

Of course the early stages of the F.A.Cup start in August. This is when non league teams fight it out to join the big boys in the 1st Round Proper at the beginning of November. So we shall start our conquest to find a team that can not win the F.A.Cup from the First Round Proper!

Looking at the teams in the first round, we can see that if we are being honest none of the non league or League One or League Two teams are likely to go on and win the F.A.Cup. But the idea is to make a reasonable profit from our outlay at decent odds.

I decide that Warrington Town can NOT win the F.A.Cup, they are drawn to play Exeter at home in the 1st Round. Warrington come from level eight of the football pyramid and Exeter in League Two are from level four.

I am looking to win £5 from this tournament.

Exeter are priced at 4/6 to win at Warrington. I back Exeter at 4/6 with a £10 stake (because Warrington can not win the F.A.Cup). If Exeter win the game I will make £6.66 profit and return £16.66 in total.

However there is a cup shock with Warrington winning the game 1-0 and knocking Exeter out of the cup.

This means I am now £10 down.

I now wait till the second round draw, still very much confident of making a profit in this tournament because I know that Warrington can NOT win the F.A.Cup!

In the second round Warrington are drawn away to level five side Gateshead.
Gateshead And Warrington Battle
It Out In Last Seasons F.A.Cup

Gateshead are priced 1/2 to win the game. Therefore I stake accordingly to win my £5 target from this tournament.

I place a £30 on Gateshead to beat Warrington at 1/2. If they win I will return £45. This means a profit of £15, minus £10 lost in first game. I win my target £5 over all.

The game is played and Gateshead win 2-0.

I have made my targeted £5 profit from this tournament by simply picking a team that I knew could NOT win the F.A.Cup!

I would suggest targeting small £5, £10 or maybe £20 target profits. Because on occasions your player or team may go on a good run and win a few rounds. Therefore you will need a bank big enough to recoup previous losses and make your initial profit.

This is a very simple method of winning very regularly on a wide range of sports.

Try it out.

Friday 28 August 2015

Tipster Street In The Spotlight

Today we (Tipster Street) has been in the 'spotlight' in More Money Reviews latest look at tipsters and services.

Here is a copy of the latest spotlight series.

More Money Review Spotlight Series: Tipster Street

Dear Neil Stevens-Wood, 

Welcome to the latest instalment of my More Money Review Spotlight series.
If you’ve missed any previous issues of my ‘Spotlight’ series, you can read them over on the website here.
This week I’m throwing the spotlight another betting tipster platform…

MMR SPOTLIGHT: Tipster Street

Who Are They?
Tipster Street is another online platform for tipsters (like Betting Gods and Betfan). They bring tipsters and punters together, with the promise that they have "vigorously tested and proofed" all tipsters before giving them a place on their platform.
Tipster Street is the brainchild of Neil Stevens-Wood, who has been running another service - N.W. Racing - since 2012, and has 30+ years' experience working in the horse racing industry.
The platform has been going for a couple of years now, currently has 12 tipsters on its books – some of which used to be available through Tipster Warehouse, but now operate through Tipster Street.
What Do They Do?
We've put practically all of Tipster Street's tipsters to the test over the past two years, with varying degrees of success. Here's a quick rundown of how we got on with them all…
Services We Recommended:
Golf profiteer: We were very impressed with this service when we conducted our review back in 2013, with our reviewer stating it "is well worth serious consideration being one of the best golf services we have seen."
Each Way Earners: We made a 23 point profit here, and felt that it could be a decent addition to anyone's portfolio.
All Weather Profits Service: We broke even in our trial of, but felt that it had the potential to be profitable in the long-run though.
Racing Gold Service: We made 21 points profit in two months from this reasonably priced service (in fact the it had been in profit for eight consecutive months at the point of our trial).
Irish Racing Tips including Galway Festival Service: We reviewed this at a time when other Irish racing tipsters were struggling to make any profit, so to see an eight point profit here was a good sign. Nothing exciting but a profit is a profit.
Alex Rey's Tipping Service: We made an ROI of 20% following this service and our reviewer summed it up by saying it was "A very reasonable middle of the road service which can be investigated at little risk to the subscriber."
Ante-Post King: This service went from strength to strength in our trial and finished well in profit. Our reviewer told us this service "is probably the jewel in the crown of the Tipster Warehouse portfolio." I guess it is now the jewel inTipster Street’s crown!
Racing Methodology: We found that, due to the nature of the service, following it is not a smooth ride and it may not appeal to everyone. Saying that though, we did make a decent profit.
Services We Couldn't Recommend:
The Racing Angle: We felt this service was genuine and perhaps had long-term profit potential, but overall we saw a loss of 29 points in our three month trial.
The Value Thief: In an interview with MMR, Neil Stevens Wood said he thought this was one of the best services he had in his portfolio. But it didn't live up to that praise in our trial as we saw a loss of just under 20 points.
Tevin Reynard Racing: The service did not live up to the standard it set in the pre-launch testing conducted by Tipster Street, with a heavy loss of 84% of our starting bank.

What Your Fellow Members Have To Say:

There isn't a huge amount of feedback on Tipster Street services, which is a shame as it would be good to hear from other followers.
The little feedback that we do have from members has been fairly positive.
Take afcattop, who had success with Ante Post King:
In fact, Ante Post King was one of the aforementioned services that used to be run through Tipster Warehouse. And it was at this time that Neil Stevens-Wood actually tried the service out for himself. This was how he got on:
So there is little wonder that when the Ante-Post King was looking for a new platform, Neil snapped him up for his Tipster Street portfolio!
We’ve also had feedback from users of Alex Rey’s Tipping Service, which were mixed, as you can see: 
It's a shame that we haven't had more user feedback on the MMR site.
If you have tried a Tipster Street service before or you are thinking of giving one a try, then please get in touch. Just click on the name of the service above to be taken straight through to the review page, where you can leave a comment.
Should I Join Any of Tipster Street's Services?
As you can see, we had some pretty good experiences with the majority of Tipster Street's services and can recommend a fair few.
And even in our trials of the ones that didn't perform so well, one word that crops up about those (and Tipster Street's other services) is the word genuine.
All of the services we've trialled have been professionally run and the tipsters seem to have their members' best interests at heart. The tipsters on this platform aren't a bunch of scammers looking to take your money and do a runner.
Their services are honest and above board. Yes they have losing runs, and we've experienced those in our trials, but every service has losing runs. On the whole though, we've found that Tipster Street tipsters do provide a good service.
And that's thanks to Neil and his team making sure that they thoroughly vet and proof every tipster, before they give them a space on their platform.
Another positive point to say about Tipster Street is that the results on their website have matched ours during our trials, so we are pretty certain that they can therefore be trusted to be accurate.
I also like the fact that not only can you see full results on the Tipster Street website, they also provide info on staking, betting bank and what time you need to be available to receive tips. This is good for potential punters, who can work out whether the service is right for them or not.
Now, the only drawback is that they don't have money back guarantee for their services. But they do advise on their website:
"We encourage you to only take a monthly subscription initially, so if you are not happy with the service you can unsubscribe immediately."
That is good advice (scammers would encourage you to sign up to the most expensive package), but I'd go one further and suggest that if you are nervous about joining, you check out the free tips they offer first to see how you go with them, and paper trade first to be even safer.
That way you get a feel for the Tipster Street service as a whole before you jump in with a paid subscription.
I also advise you check out the full sets of results on the Tipster Street site. You'll be able to get a good look at how many losing runs there have been and how well the service recovered from them and performed in the long-term.
And, of course, I advise you to come and check out our reviews too. We'll give you an independent insight as to how the service works in real life.
Happy Betting!
Best wishes,

Michelle Roberts

Michelle Roberts
Head of Research
More Money Review 

Thanks to Michelle at MMR.

Have a great day.

Thursday 27 August 2015

New Trialist Makes Great Start - Get Their Tips Free Today

Today I would briefly like to talk about a new proofing tipster who has been good profits.

This tipster concentrates on horse racing, and is available to view on our proofing tipsters googledoc under the tab 'Horse Racing 4'.

If you do not have the link you can find it in the column here >>>
Alternatively please CLICK HERE.

We have seen results from this tipster for a number of months. However we are only interested in 'live proofing' and this started just a few weeks ago on the 9th August.

In the sixteen days of live proofing this tipster has made followers +48.56pts profit or £48.56 to small £1 stakes.

The tipster uses points staking from 1pt to 5pts and all selections are win bets advised to Betfair SP.

We can confirm that these profits carry on from previous (none proofed) results sent over to us. This makes us very excited as we are aware of profits made beforehand.

Today this tipster has eight selections with a total staking outlay of 22pts or £22 if using £1 stakes.

Please check this tipster out as good tax free profits are available.

Latest News -
Ffos Las

Away from Tipster Street, Ffos Las are having an inspection today to see if racing can go ahead for tomorrow's meeting. Their has been a lot of rain in this part of Wales and their is concern about the heavy ground at present.

Have a great day.

Wednesday 26 August 2015

Check Out This Video

We have been inundated with emails asking numerous questions about our friends at NWRacing in the past few days.

Therefore we thought we would give them chance to make a quick video for you, explaining in a more detail on what their service does.

Please check out the video at the link below. Here they take a look at the Catterick 4.40 race today.

If you do have any further questions please contact them via their website at

I know they are very 'hands on' and have had great comments concerning their customer service of late.

Subscriptions are ridiculously cheap and start from just £3 a week.

They also have monthly and quarterly packages available, as well as a yearly subscription priced at just £54 which equates to just 15p per day!

Be sure to check them out at

That video link again is

Have a great day.

Tuesday 25 August 2015

Simple Betting SystemThat Never Loses

I thought I would share a simple strategy with you today that works time and time again.

I have personally used this strategy for over twenty years and it has NEVER let me down.

You simply need to be sensible and professional in your staking.

The strategy will not make you a millionaire over night, but it will give you tax free money in your back pocket time ant time again for little work.

The strategy...

Firstly we are looking for a knock out tournament. It doesn't matter what sport it is as the strategy works on all sports. I would suggest however that the knock out tournament lasts no longer than a month, as your final winnings could be tied up for quite some time.

I have used this strategy in the English F.A.Cup, but with the rounds being played roughly once a fortnight it can be a few months before you 'collect'. However if you are professional and look at the long term profit this is not a problem.

Secondly, once we have found a knock out tournament, we are looking for a player or team that has no chance of winning the tournament.

A little bit of knowledge will help of course, but is not massively important as long as your are sensible here and look for outsiders with a bad draw or playing a hot favourite.

For this example I will use last years F.A.Cup.

Of course the early stages of the F.A.Cup start in August. This is when non league teams fight it out to join the big boys in the 1st Round Proper at the beginning of November. So we shall start our conquest to find a team that can not win the F.A.Cup from the First Round Proper!

Looking at the teams in the first round, we can see that if we are being honest none of the non league or League One or League Two teams are likely to go on and win the F.A.Cup. But the idea is to make a reasonable profit from our outlay at decent odds.

I decide that Warrington Town can NOT win the F.A.Cup, they are drawn to play Exeter at home in the 1st Round. Warrington come from level eight of the football pyramid and Exeter in League Two are from level four.

I am looking to win £5 from this tournament.

Exeter are priced at 4/6 to win at Warrington. I back Exeter at 4/6 with a £10 stake (because Warrington can not win the F.A.Cup). If Exeter win the game I will make £6.66 profit and return £16.66 in total.

However there is a cup shock with Warrington winning the game 1-0 and knocking Exeter out of the cup.

This means I am now £10 down.

I now wait till the second round draw, still very much confident of making a profit in this tournament because I know that Warrington can NOT win the F.A.Cup!

In the second round Warrington are drawn away to level five side Gateshead.
Gateshead And Warrington Battle
It Out In Last Seasons F.A.Cup

Gateshead are priced 1/2 to win the game. Therefore I stake accordingly to win my £5 target from this tournament.

I place a £30 on Gateshead to beat Warrington at 1/2. If they win I will return £45. This means a profit of £15, minus £10 lost in first game. I win my target £5 over all.

The game is played and Gateshead win 2-0.

I have made my targeted £5 profit from this tournament by simply picking a team that I knew could NOT win the F.A.Cup!

I would suggest targeting small £5, £10 or maybe £20 target profits. Because on occasions your player or team may go on a good run and win a few rounds. Therefore you will need a bank big enough to recoup previous losses and make your initial profit.

This is a very simple method of winning very regularly on a wide range of sports.

Try it out.

Have a great day.

Monday 24 August 2015

27% ROI From An Established Tipster

Today I would briefly like to talk about one of our PRO Tipsters on the Tipster Street platform.

ANTE POST KING has been a tipster service since January 2013.

In that time this tipster has racked up £2'759 profit to just £10 stakes.

The above profit is from a very selective average of fifteen advice's per month covering all sports. The knowledge of this tipster is extraordinary, indeed I have never come across any tipster who has such a vast knowledge of all sports.

ANTE POST KING has had winners on all sports across the board. 

Rugby League
Rugby Union
Motor Racing
American Football

Plus many more!

In the past 10 days ANTE POST KING has racked up even more profit from the sports of golf, tennis, darts & athletics!

To just £10 stakes this tipster has made members £283!

The ROI for this tipster is a very juicy 27%.

Not bad for an established tipster who has stood the test of time for over two and a half years!

If you enjoy all sports betting, and you enjoy betting on ante post markets then the ANTE POST KING service is a must for you.

It's just £5.99 for your first month's subscription.

Why not JOIN HERE and check out what you have been missing.

Have a great day.

Sunday 23 August 2015

FREE Football Advice Winner

Yesterday we went in to detail about the numerous ways that we at Tipster Street help you to make profits for free.

We gave you three options, these were...

Free tips from our Pro Tipsters CLICK HERE

Free tips from our proofing tipsters CLICK HERE

Free tips from Tipster Street HQ HERE!

If you regularly follow these three options you are certainly in the money of late.

Our free tips from the Pro Tipsters have made over £1800 to £10 stakes this month.

Our free tips from our proofing tipsters have consistently made profits. 

Our football tipster had a 100% winning day yesterday and they have another advice today from a Premier League game.

And finally, if you followed our free tips yesterday here on the blog you would have made yet more profit thanks to Crystal Palace getting the better of Aston Villa.

Be sure to check out all 'avenues' each day.

You really can make profits from sports betting for free here at Tipster Street.

Have a great day.

Saturday 22 August 2015


We like to give you value at Tipster Street every day. 

One of the ways we do this is to give you free tips. There are many ways you can receive our free tips and make profits completely FREE!

A) Sign up to our free tip members list on our website and receive free tips each day from our Pro Tipsters.

Our Pro Tipsters have made over £1800 profit to £10 stakes in August todate, and remember these tips are sent to you each morning completely FREE!

B) Check out the free tips from our proofing tipsters. These tipsters are proofing their selections live in the hope of becoming a Pro Tipster on our platform. Details of how to check out these selections each day are to the right of this blog here >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Alternatively CLICK HERE

C) Occasionally we forward on free tips on our blog here from Tipster Street HQ.

Today we like the look of one particular football match. 

Premier League - Crystal Palace vs Aston Villa

Palace Should Have To
Much For Villa Today?
Crystal Palace are a difficult team to beat at Selhurst Park. They put up a brave fight last week against Arsenal going down 2-1. However they performed well to win 3-1 away from home on the first day of the season at Norwich.
Palace of lots of attacking intent in their play and they should have to much for a poor Villa side who continue to struggle defensively.
Villa may well struggle to score goals this season now Benteke has left for Liverpool. They have brought in a number of players but many lack Premier League experience. We feel Villa are in for a tough Saturday afternoon.

Premier League - C.Palace to beat Aston Villa @ 19/20.

Have a great day.

Friday 21 August 2015


Today we have a special offer for you coming from NWRacing.

A little look about NWRacing....

NWRacing provide members with statistical horse racing data and ratings daily. Their ratings are recognised as some of the best in the industry. They use two sets of ratings with their R1 having a 29% strike rate, their R2 ratings has 31% strike rate.

They also have data on horse form, trainer form, important draw bias for flat racing, fantastic speed figures and an 'OFS' which is a software strategy concentrating on the official figures of each horse.

All in all a great little service.

Furthermore this service is incredibly cheap.

Weekly subscriptions start at £3, and monthly subscription are just £9. They offer a yearly subscription for just £54 which works out at just 15p per day!

However, why not try them today for FREE?

Simply click on the link here >

Download their spreadsheet for today and check out the video.

Have a great day.

Thursday 20 August 2015

Why would ANYBODY pay for tips when you can get them for FREE?

It's not often that I come across a service that I can vouch for with 100% confidence but today I bring you news of one that does – get on board here for FREE!

Free Racing Tips have been providing profitable free tips on a consistent basis for over SEVEN years now.

And they are offering YOU the chance to join them for FREE - Click here to start profiting today!

Every morning they’ll send you two free horse racing tips via email…

But that’s not all – you will also get access to their sister site Free Footy Tips which will ensure you also profit from the football as well as the racing!

Don’t miss out on this fantastic free service.

See you on the inside,

PS. This year they’re already up over 67 points. That’s £670 profit to £10 stakes.

Have a great day.

Wednesday 19 August 2015

A Few Days To Reflect

You will have noticed that it's been a little quiet on the blog front for a few days...

This is simply because 'yours truly' took a short break away from work to enjoy some sunshine with the family in Lytham St Annes.

Now, anyone who knows me will be aware that when I'm on 'holiday', I'm not completely on holiday as I am a little bit of a workaholic! So it was to the wife's dismay that I found someone in our hotel that had a love for Horse Racing!

If the constant checking of business emails, results and general sports news wasn't enough. My new friend certainly was!

In all seriousness though, talking to this gentleman gave me time to reflect on where I had come from betting wise, and where I stand in the industry today. I'm certainly not going to gloat, but I have been successful and enjoy a good lifestyle now. So much so that this short break was our sixth of the year to date, with another five days already booked up for early October!

However it's not been all plain sailing, indeed I'm still learning. But I am now so far 'down the line' that I am in a good position to learn whilst still being successful.

In my time of being a professional bettor, I have built up a huge software of stats and data which are used on a regular basis. I couldn't possibly work without them and be so successful. This is something that has built on for the best part of twenty years, so you can see that I am well ahead of the game and the average man on the street bettor.

So anyway, where does all this leave you!

Well to be honest I'm not quite sure. You see whilst I have been away and chatting to my horse racing buddy. I have decided that I would like to help a small group of people who are interested in becoming a professional bettor.

Now, I don't know as of yet how I will be going about this. But I would like to work 'hands on' with a small number and give them my expertise in all things 'betting'.

I believe this will include details of ...

How to use a betting bank successfully.
How to remain patient and look at the long term profits.
Use of mini and major betting systems & strategies.
How to spot a good tipster.
How to select a set of criteria to make your own betting systems.
How different 'free' products on the web can make you profits.
Regular 'meet up's for a chat.

Plus much much more.

Like I said, I'm not exactly sure of the plan of action. But I will keep you informed and of course let you know when I decide on a number for this plan.

All I will say now is this...

If you are serious about making money from sports betting please keep following the blog for more details to come soon.

Have a great day.

Saturday 15 August 2015

Premier League Review & Free Tips

There are six Premier League matches today.

One of these is an early kick off at 12.45 pm. This is the game between Southampton and Everton.

Of the remaining five matches we have highlighted two games for our interest.

Sunderland v Norwich

Sunderland were bitterly disappointing last week when losing 4-2 away at Leicester.

However Sunderland are expected to struggle this season, and last week's performance could well become the 'norm'.

Because of Sunderland's early season woes Norwich have now been reduced to a tight 6/4 price, you can now argue this lacks value.

Early team news says that John O'Shea could return in defence, and Adam Johnson may also return to the line up.

Norwich are without Martin Olsson, Youssouf Mulumbu and Kyle Lafferty.

Conclusion -

A tight game is expected and a draw could be the value at 9/4.

Watford v West Bromwich Albion

Watford play their first home game of the season back in the Premier League. 

The Baggies Could Have To
Much For Watford Today?
The Hornets played good attacking football at Everton last week when they come away with a 2-2 draw. However the 'expert's have already mentioned that this style may not suit at home.

West Brom lost 3-0 at home to Manchester City on Monday evening in front of the Sky cameras.

However manager Tony Pulis admitted he got the tactics wrong playing a 4-4-2 formation. When Pulis converted back to his trusted formation of 4-5-1 they looked far brighter and carried better attacking strength.

We can expect West Brom to play defensive this afternoon with the aim not to concede.

Latest team news says that Watford Odion Ighalo could make a start. Whilst West Brom could see record new signing Salomon Rondon in contention to start.

Conclusion -

I think this could be a tricky afternoon for Watford as they adjust to the Premier League. West Brom could well be value quoted at 13/5.

Have a great day.