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Monday 26 October 2015

Darting Around

Aileen De Graff
I have played darts at pub level, when girls were not supposed to play, often getting the better of the men’s team. I even practised at home but my family frowned on the association with beer and pubs. I got to play on the pub team though. Two men and two ladies. We did quite well but I can’t say I can recall the league we played in or our final position.

Glen  Durrant
So, to world darts : Glen Durrant won the BDO (British Darts Organisation) World Masters title earlier in October, beating Larry Butler 7-3. He goes forward into 2016 competitions ranked as No. 1. Aileen De Graff won the Ladies World Masters beating double world champ Lisa Ashton 5-4.

Youthful Champions.

The World Youth Championship is next month. It is good to see the youngsters making their way to championships. They never existed when I was younger.

The Young Sports Personality of the Year Award has been open for nominations since 23rd September. It is still open soyou can still nominate someone. à Download the form. Fill it in and send to or by post to YOUNG SPOTY 2015, 3RD Floor, Quay House, Media city UK, Salford Quays, M50 2QH.

Double Trouble.

Richie Burnett is in trouble with life. No drug is worth the damage no matter how up you feel when you use it. You always come down and go down further than you go up. It is a one way ticket to a grave, spiritually and physically. I hope that during the next 18 months he handles thoroughly. I know of a really good rehab place that runs a drug free programme for addicts if he wants to enquire. 

Cricket on the Wicket

How well I remember three sticks for the wicket and a twig to lie across them in the alley where we played cricket as kids. We had three to a team, a pitch that was often mostly mud, and all players under the age of 12 - Well you have to start somewhere don’t you? The same ally was used for marbles competition, messing about with fireworks, (health and safety miles away) and generally having a good time. Let’s see some fireworks in England’s play in the next test that began Thursday.

Mark Vermeulen

Racism has reared its ugly head. Mark Vermeulen has been banned from all cricket activity after calling black people apes. He made the remark on his FB page. He said later, “I know my comments were over the top and I apologise to all that I have offended. But, as a cricketer, it’s how our minds work." Are you trying to say all cricketers have the same mind set? Not cool Vermeulen, not cool at all.

Both Vermeulen and Burnett bring their sports into disrepute. What do you think they should do to make up the damage? Let us know, make a comment.

I would like to mention that the English women’s team would like a male coach this year if there is anyone out there that would like to apply. The quals (qualifications) include international experience. Remember England are ranked no. 2 in the first International Cricket Council rankings list.

Jemima J Jones

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