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Wednesday 7 October 2015

AT HIS BEST - and I don’t necessarily mean the jockey.

Longchamp, Arc day. Beautiful weather, fast track, hype 100% over the top and several ways to make history. History for the jockeys, history for the horses, history for the trainers and history for the owners all awaited with bated breath.  Add in the atmosphere of the race goers and one can only say, “What a day to remember”.

I will leave it to all the racing papers, Youtube uploads, Channel 4 racing replays and web site hot spots as to what happened when and by whom as the day progressed culminating in Golden Horn’s win.

Bless you Frankie for such a wonderful day and the carriage ride to the prize giving. What a shame Golden Horn wasn’t led over there or attached to the carriage for all to see. We just got a shot of him being led away red horse rug rippling with his movements back to the stables. Not an admirer in sight. May be next year at Chantilly we will see the horse at the prize giving.

There are plenty of pictures of Frankie, Golden Horn and Longchamp to be had so I thought I would give you this instead.  This is the other Golden Horn over on the Bosphorus.

And just for fun this is a bridge designed to cross it by one of the worlds greatest ever engineers, Leonardo De Vinci. All his instructions are written as if in mirror image ie back to front. 

Perhaps Golden Horn’s prodigy will start a new line of names using  Leonardo.

So, hats off to Golden Horn in the first instance and everyone else in the second. Chantilly is where to go in 2016 and we await the changes at Longchamp with much anticipation.

A Word on Channel 4 Racing.

The Morning Line has in the past always been a good way to see what is what for the days racing. It is a shame that the producers continue to throw a shadow over it which isn’t just putting me off, I am starting to switch off.

The preamble to the Arc de Triomphe was a triumph for the people who created it. Factual, with excellent graphics and film creations, trainer and horse coverage was second to none. Presenter voiceovers could be heard, crowd response and audible racing noise to the fore helped make the lead up atmosphere really come alive.

This is sadly the opposite to Saturday morning efforts on Channel 4 on their racing preambles. We get lots of race replays however they are accompanied by over powering music and the race noise, race commentary and/or the presenters voice can’t be heard. I want to hear the race noise and what the presenter is saying if you don’t mind. Such loud music is so distracting, what I ask, is the point of it please? I don’t even want to watch The Morning Line anymore.

If anyone out there agrees let Channel 4 Racing know, use twitter and voice your complaint.

DON'T FORGET FRANKEL SIRED YEARLINGS GO UP FOR SALE TODAY. Tattersals has 17 of the 108 sired in his first season. 

Jemima J.Jones - Blog Writer.

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