Follow Professional Tipsters

Thursday 14 January 2016

52.87 Points Profit Already This Month - Oh I Nearly Forgot, These Tips Are Also Free!

Yes, You have read right.

Tipster Street has a tipster who is on 'fire'.

However you will not need to pay a single penny to receive fantastic profits, such as the 52.87 points profit that they have already made in January!

The reason for this is that this is a trialing tipster.

Our trialing tipsters proof their selections live to us and you. So you can view these free tips every single day for FREE!

Free tips don't make profits...

Yes, we have heard this myth too!

However we can prove this wrong, very wrong. And we do this every day!

At present we have ten trialing tipsters proofing live, these tipsters have already proven themselves to us in the short term and we are happy to provide them with a platform to provide profits in the long term.

The tipster named above is called 'Flat Attack' and has been trialing for three months now.

Month One saw a profit of over 24 points. Month Two was a loss of 13 points, but Month Three (January) has so far been utterly brilliant.

January Results - To date

Selections 55
Winners 22 
Points Staked 86
Profit 52.87

Strike Rate 40%
ROI 61%

Not bad for freebies I'm sure you will agree!

Flat Attack has a busy day ahead with seven selections today. Why don't you take a look at their free selections, and whilst your there please also take a look at our other trialing tipsters.

Click through our website at 
Simply scroll through the tipsters by clicking on the coloured tabs at the bottom of the screen.

Have a great day.

Tipster Street.
At Your Service.

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