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Wednesday 11 November 2015

Sports Round Up - FIFA & IAAF In The News

FIFA and the IAAF


So,  FIFA (The Federation Interntionale de Football Association (in English The International Federation of Association Football) is not the only international body with investigations going on over bribery and corruption perpetrated by some of its members. The same can now be said of IAAF members and various countries including Russia on both counts.

There is a very full and detailed write up on the FIFA investigations on Wikipedia for those who want to know the full blow by blow intimate details, and it is very detailed.  (
The 1st and 2nd paragraphs read as follows:
 “In 2015 US Federal prosecutors disclosed cases of corruption by officials and associates connected with FIFA, the governing body of association football, futsal and beach soccer.
Near the end of May 2015 14 people were indicted in connection with an investigation by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigation Division (IRS-CI) into wire fraud, racketeering and money laundering.
The United States Attorney General simultaneously announced the unsealing of the indictments and the prior guilty pleas by four football executives and two corporations”.
End of quote.
The article goes on towards the end to detail the legal position and charges that could be made or not made as the case may be. It is very interesting. Since then FIFA’s troubles have expanded to include the ex president of FIFA Mr. Blatter.
Mr. Blatter and anyone else implicated charged and found guilty will get their just deserts I think, However  in England, unlike countries in  Europe, one is innocent until proven guilty so we have to await results. I really hope the £21 million England put into its bid for the world cup gets it back as a result if those charged are found guilty.  Let’s hope the international football authorities don’t spend £21 million on the investigations. Only the lawyers score on that one. 

Where does it leave the fans and will the world cup still go to Russia? Bring it home to England is what I say. I don’t think any fan of football would now want to go to Russia, especially after the revelations on Monday by WADA, (The World Anti Doping Agency), on serious irregularities in the field of athletics also majorly involving Russia.


Lamine Diack the ex president of the IAAF (The International Association of Athletics Federations) is being investigated over corruption with Russia in the mix again. Russian reaction was standard: refute all findings, admit to some of them later.

Hard luck Russia - don't keep us waiting beyond Friday when you have to respond to the IFFA. We don’t want a war of words between athletic federations or political wars between governments and ministers either.
If Russian authorities want to be trusted they must admit wrong doing asap
where they occurred.

Putin must be pukin........

It is a shame The IAAF awards event in Monaco has had to be cancelled. The fans and clean athletes again get to suffer. My heart goes out to all those numerous athletes who are honest, turned in their samples and followed the rules.  To the criminals, and they know who they are, I would say salvage yourselves even if it means a prison cell, stand up and own up.

Jemima J. Jones.

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