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Thursday 5 November 2015

Around The World Sports News

Ladies First

Our wonderful ladies national gymnastics team took the bronze medal in at the World Championships in Glasgow on Tuesday of this week.

This is a first ever for our team and serves the team well with Rio next year. Two of the team are sisters would you believe. Emotions ran riot.

Our national ladies football team showed the Aussies how to do it and beat them 1-0 in international match play with China. The Chinese may have beaten our women 2-1 in an earlier match but it’s great to see them
beat the women from down under.

Jill Scott (number six) is congratulated on her
100th cap by team-mates after the game

A 121% increase in viewing figures in 2015 over 2011 for the Women’s World Cup is great. 5.3 million watched 6 matches and the final between the USA and Japan had an audience of 20.3 millions!  We are on the up ladies. I played Ladies football way back in the sixties for a local team so this gladdens my heart. Multi tasking - head, heart and feet is in our genes!

In the Professional Squash Association England’s Laura Massaro is the world’s number three whilst Alison Walters is number 4 (July 2015 info). Very exhausting game squash. You don’t play it to get fit you have to be fit to play it. Maybe one day we will see more of it on the telly as our English players rise to greater heights.

The women’s Indian Open Golf Championship in New Delhi has an interesting opponent who is at no 2. Cheyenne Woods, yes Tiger’s relative. He is her Uncle.


And now the men.

The English Gentleman

Sir Peter O’Sullivan
A thanksgiving service was held at St Luke’s church in Sydney Street, Chelsea, London for race commentator Sir Peter O’Sullivan. In today’s hurley burley fast paced life it isn’t difficult to wish to take stock and some time to look at the values and manners we hold dear. Sir Peter O’Sullivan always came across as a man who cared about others and put it into practice. He was a gentleman’s gentleman and I loved his presentations at the races.  50 years of The Grand National under his wing will never be surpassed. Like many of those he pronounced as the winner he himself was a winner of the highest order.

Not so much a gentleman, more a way of life.

Texas to Hamilton, Mexico to Rosberg.
Congratulations to Lewis Hamilton, World Championship no 3 in the bag.
Texas was very exciting. Lots of changes of pace, leaders, overtaking that left us gasping and the weather. I understand Rosberg’s disappointment that he could not keep his championship challenge alive but come on.  Accepting defeat with good grace increases one’s fan base. A scowling face does you no favours. Having taken Mexico Mr. Rosberg Lewis accepted defeat with good grace as a gentleman would.

Now three times World Champion Lewis joins the elite and matches Jackie Stuart’s three wins. Good luck for next year Lewis. Stick a third diamond in an ear to match the two you already have.

Jemima J. Jones.

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