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Monday 29 August 2016

£100 To £50'000 Challenge - Update

It's been a short while since we mentioned our £100 to £50'000 challenge so we thought we would give you an update today.

We are nearly two months in to our challenge (8 days to go before we complete 2 full months) and we were hoping to have a bank of £145 at the end of Month Two.

After placing todays two bets our bank currently stands at £176.75 so as you can see we are well ahead of schedule.

At the end of Year One our forecast was to have a bank size of £800-900. Our forecasts are now predicting we will hit this by Month 9 to 10, also that we will smash through the £1000 barrier by the end of the year.

There is a long way to go however and we wont see significant profit growth until mid way through Year Two.

But having started with £2 stakes on our first day, we are at now placing bets of around £3.70 so nearly double our initial starting outlay.

It just shows what having a professional mindset and patience can do when following a successful tipster.

For you that are new to our £100 to £50'000 challenge, the tipster we are following is Pro Tipster VALUE FAVS.

More information on this tipster can be found at

There is 75% discount off your first month subscription. Why not join NOW for just £4.99 for your first month HERE

If you would like our Profit Builder Plan (PBP) and join us on our £100 to £50'000 Challenge then please consider our fantastic Lifetime Option at just £175.

This is a one off payment that will guarantee you the selections plus the PBP for years to come.

There are just TWO Lifetime Options remaining so grab one now HERE.

At Your Service,

Tipster Street.

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