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Monday 29 February 2016

FREE TIPS - 29th February 2016

Today we are happy to give you free tips from PRO Tipster HEAD 2 HEAD SPORTS.

This tipster concentrates on snooker, tennis & darts.

Today this tipster has two selections from the world of tennis.





Prices advised are from Bet365

For more information on HEAD 2 HEAD SPORTS and all of our tipsters please go to

At Your Service,

Tipster Street.

PS If you are serious about making money from sports betting, please keep a look out for a very important message involving our Lifetime Memberships soon.

Saturday 27 February 2016


West Ham United v Sunderland – Saturday 1245

Positions: West Ham 7th, Sunderland 19th

Form (last six matches – league matches only – earliest results first):

West Ham
WLDWLD (8pts)

WLDLDW (8pts)

  • Sunderland are now within touching distance of moving out of the relegation zone after some encouraging recent performances. They could stand a real chance of picking up an impressive away win here. Cheikhou Kouyate is available for West Ham after his red card was rescinded.

Leicester City v Norwich City – Saturday 1500

Positions: Leicester 1st, Norwich 17th


WDWWWL (13pts)

LLLLLD (1pt)

  • Leicester will be strong favourites as they tackle a team in very poor form. Danny Simpson will be suspended after his red card in the Foxes’ defeat to Arsenal.

Southampton v Chelsea – Saturday 1500

Positions: Southampton 6th, Chelsea 12th


WWWDWW (16pts)

DDWDDW (10pts)

  • A potentially very entertaining contest between two in-form sides. Southampton have recorded six successive clean sheets and won five of these matches, so they may have the edge.

Stoke City v Aston Villa – Saturday 1500

Positions: Stoke 10th, Aston Villa 20th


WDLLLW (7pts)

Aston Villa
WDDLWL (8pts)

  • Villa actually have a better six match form record than their opponents. However, the manner of Villa’s 6-0 capitulation to Liverpool in their last match suggested a team who had thrown in the towel, and Stoke must start as favourites here.

Watford v Bournemouth – Saturday 1500

Positions: Watford 9th, Bournemouth 15th


LLWDLW (7pts)

LWDWLL (7pts)

  • Neither side goes into this match in great form. However Watford’s potent strike pairing of Deeney and Ighalo could fancy their chances against a sometimes shaky Bournemouth defence.

West Bromwich Albion v Crystal Palace – Saturday 1730

Positions: West Brom 14th, Crystal Palace 13th


West Brom
DLDDLW (6pts)

Crystal Palace
LLLLDL (1pt)

  • From threatening to break into the top four a few weeks ago, Palace are in desperate need of a league win, and may even be uncertain of gaining the eight points they may need in the rest of the season to escape relegation. Both sides have been in poor league form but Palace may have the edge, as they go into the match on the back of an impressive FA Cup win over Tottenham, while West Brom went out to lower league opposition.

Manchester United v Arsenal – Sunday 1405

Positions: Man Utd 5th, Arsenal 3rd


Man Utd
DWLWDL (8pts)

DDLDWW (9pts)

  • Arsenal appear to have come through a rough patch, and may start as slight favourites here, especially as Wayne Rooney remains sidelined for United.

Tottenham Hotspur v Swansea City – Sunday 1405

Positions: Tottenham 2nd, Swansea 16th


LWWWWW (16pts)

LWWDDL (8pts)

  • Tottenham will expect to win this match and further emphasise their title credentials.


Liverpool v Manchester City – Sunday 1630

League Positions: Liverpool 8th, Man City 4th

  • Man for man, Manchester City are the stronger outfit and have the greater goal threat, and they will start as favourites, but Liverpool undoubtedly stand a chance if they can play to their full potential.

Tipster Street.

Friday 26 February 2016

The Real Reason Why 99% Gamblers Fail

At Tipster Street all of our tipsters make profits in the long term.

So why is it that some members fail to make profits and cancel subscriptions?

The answer I'm afraid is very simple. They do not treat sports betting in a professional manner.

Let's face it, if your following a profitable tipster you should be making money.

But a large amount of bettors don't and this is down to a lack of professionalism.

Below is a simple step by step format to help all bettors.

1) Find a profitable tipster with a full detailed list of past results. Make sure that the tipster is ideal for you as an individual. Do they have the right amount of daily bets, is the staking plan workable for you.

2) Find out what the tipster advises their starting bank to be. This could be 50 points, 100 points or may be 500 points.

3) Put aside an amount of money solely for the purpose of following this tipster. You must always have a separate amount of money for betting purposes.

4) Work out how much you will be staking per point/per selection. For example, if a tipster advises a starting bank of 100 points, and you betting bank stands at £500. They advise stakes of 1pt...
Your staking should be £5 per point/bet

5) Set out a clear set of rules for yourself concerning bank management. For example when your bank rises to £600 then raise your stake to £6 (continuing from above example). If your bank reduces alter your staking accordingly. Remember that the tipster has stated a starting bank of 100 points, this has been calculated using their past results. This is usually double the amount of their biggest losing run, which means your betting bank should never be in danger.

6) Follow the selections to the rule, do not alter or change staking otherwise you will end up with different profits, and probably end up making losses.

7) Remain patient & professional at all times. Your bank will grow steadily throughout the year, remember this is tax free money!

At Your Service,

Tipster Street.

Thursday 25 February 2016

A Tipster That Keeps Producing The Profits

I'm not one for people who like the sound of their own voices, you know the ones...

They continuously tell you the same stories, usually bragging about what they or their family members have been up to!

However I feel as though I am that person today.

So possible apologies may well be in order shortly.

You see the thing is....

Your likely to be following our blog due to your interest in sports betting & investing.

So I feel it's my duty to inform you about a tipster that continues to provide profits for it's members.

We're not taking the short term here either, I'm talking continuous profits for over three years!

As I write this blog another winner has just 'gone in'.

This tipster has already made over 40 points profit for the month of February!

The tipster in question is RACING GOLD.

Let's face it, I'm pretty sure it's as close as your going to get to making pure gold, or at least pure profits from sports betting.

This tipster gives selections on all codes of racing with great success. The tipster has made over 800 points profit in the past three years. There are no long losing runs enabling you to invest with confidence.

Why not try this tipster out now with our 75% first month discount?

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

For more information on RACING GOLD simply click the link here >

Don't forget to check out the detailed results whilst your there.

At Your Service,

Tipster Street.

Singles, Doubles And Drunken Betting

Doubles or singles? Which do you prefer.
I’m not talking about measures of alcohol — although if you’re thinking about betting drunk, here’s a quick word of warning: It’s ill advised and rarely works out well… Even if you are just drinking singles!
No, I’m talking about bet types.
And more specifically, I’m talking about why you will probably be better off just sticking to singles rather than doubles.
How so?
To answer that, lets look at the pro’s and con’s of doubles.
A double is when you bet on two different horses (in different races) to win. The main advantage to a double is obvious. If both of your bets win you will win a lot more money than if you just had a single bet on each.
And the second and slightly less obvious advantage is, if both of bets that make up the double are good value, then by placing a double you will compound your overall advantage.
However, the compounding nature of a double is (excuse the pun) a “double” edged sword.
Meaning if the two bets that make up the double aren’t good value, you will end up compounding that disadvantage.
The other downside of doubles is that you need both parts of your bet to win for your bet to pay out. Which means you’ll have longer losing runs than you would if you were just betting singles.
And those longer losing runs create another problem.
You are going to need to have a larger betting bank to deal with these longer losing runs. And by larger betting bank I mean you need to increase the amount of “points” your betting bank is divided into.
There are two ways to do this.
1) You can increase the overall amount of actual money in your betting bankroll so you can carry on staking the same amount you usually do without increasing the risk to your bankroll.
2) You can divide your current bankroll into more points which will mean you will be betting less money.
Unless you can magic up some extra money out of thin air, option 1 is off the cards.
Which leaves you with option 2, which means reducing your stake size.
By reducing your stake size, you’re reducing the amount of money you can potentially win which takes away the main advantage on betting on doubles in the first place. (To win more money)
Doubles aren’t sounding so good now…
Don’t get me wrong. I’m not totally against betting on doubles. There is a time and a place for them.
But the majority of the time you are going to be far better off sticking to singles.
Kenny Turnbull of WinnersOdds.Com
P.S. You’ll rarely find a decent horse racing tipster advising betting on doubles… (At least not very often)
Just take a look at some of the tipsters in the Winners Odds tipster portfolio. They all mainly advise straightforward single bets and the results speak for themselves.
You can take a look at the results here:

Tipster Street.

Wednesday 24 February 2016

FREE TIPS - 24th February 2016

Todays FREE TIP comes from our established sports tipster ALEX REY SPORTS.

Alex has today advised one selection for the upcoming golf tournament this weekend, details are as follows...

Each Way Terms are 1/4 odds for 1,2,3,4,5 places

For more information on ALEX REY SPORTS & all our other tipsters, please check out our website at 

At Your Service,

Tipster Street.

Tuesday 23 February 2016

This Tipster Has Provided Members With A 25% ROI Over The Past Two Years

Todays FREE TIP comes from a tipster that has produced a fantastic 'Return On Investment' (ROI) of over 25% in the past two years.

Now try getting that at your bank!

This means for every £100 you lay out, you will return £125.

Not bad hey?

This tipster concentrates on each way value with a selective approach. There's an average of 22 selections per month, so not a bet every day.

So can you remain patient and professional waiting for the correct value to come along?

If you can you will reap the rewards with PRO Tipster EACH WAY EARNERS.

This tipster has one selection today...


*Price correct at the time of sending to members.

This tipster has made close to 300 points profit since launch all from selective investing.

If placing just £25 bets, that would mean a healthy return of £7'500 all for a few minutes work each day (and not even every day)!

For more information on EACH WAY EARNERS & all of our other tipsters please go to

At Your Service,

Tipster Street.

Monday 22 February 2016

What Are You Bringing To The Table?

There are many of punters who struggle to make money following tipsters.
Is it because the tipsters they are following are bad or disreputable?
Possibly, but with the number of individual reviews and reviews from sites like Winners Odds available, it is fairly easy to tell who’s the real deal and what services are dodgy.
So if the tipsters people are following are generally profitable, why are some punters still not making any money?

The main culprit is people quitting services without giving them a chance, and then moving on to some new service before giving up on that too.
The main reason behind people intentions to quit a service is unreasonable expectations of the results of tipsters.
A tipster is not a miracle maker!
Following a tipster won’t make you an instant fortune!
And not every bet a tipster advises is going to win!
I know I’m preaching to the choir here, but some people actually believe those things.
So if the tipsters doing their job and making a long term profit. (eg. being in profit over a period of 3 months)
then the problem must be with the struggling punter.
A tipster is just one part of the equation. You have to bring a solid foundation of betting knowledge to the table to get the best results.
This is why I’m always banging on about bankroll management, staking plans and the like.
A solid foundation of knowledge, an analytical mindset and a little bit of patience will go a long way in helping you become a successful bettor.
I can’t help you with the later two, there up to you, but if you read a number of article here at Winners Odds, you will gain a good foundation of betting knowledge.
If you’re looking for some tipsters to pair your betting knowledge with, here are the ones I recommend:
Until next time,
Kenny Turnbull.

Tipster Street.

Saturday 20 February 2016


The ‘magic of the FA Cup’ has been in short supply since the big teams entered this year’s competition. The third round produced just one real upset – Oxford’s defeat of Swansea – and in the fourth round, no Premier League team was beaten by a lower division side, with the biggest upset being League One Shrewsbury’s win over Championship side Sheffield Wednesday.

If the fifth round goes according to form, then only Premier League sides will remain come the quarter finals.

Arsenal v Hull City – Saturday 1245

League Positions: Arsenal 3rd (Premier League), Hull 1st (Championship)

  • Hull once again face the team that dumped them out of the Cup in each of the last two seasons. Hull are flying high, are very much used to winning in their own division, and will be super confident, so a major scalp cannot be ruled out. Arsenal are also unlikely to field a first choice eleven given this match is three days prior to their clash with Barcelona. However, an Arsenal win must be the most likely outcome. Nick Powell, on loan from Manchester United, is eligible to play for Hull here.

Reading v West Bromwich Albion – Saturday 1500

League Positions: Reading 15th (Championship), West Brom 14th (Premier League)

  • West Brom manager Tony Pulis has rung the changes so far in the Cup, and if he does so again, this match could see an upset, especially as the full strength West Brom team performances have been far from inspiring of late.

Watford v Leeds United – Saturday 1500

League Positions: Watford 9th (Premier League), Leeds 16th (Championship)

  • Leeds are playing out time in mid-table in the Championship, which will be disappointing given their lofty ambitions. The Elland Road side will surely come out all guns blazing for this tie, but have they enough to break down a stubborn Watford defence, or keep out the potent Hornets strike force?

Bournemouth v Everton – Saturday 1715

League Positions: Bournemouth 15th, Everton 11th (both Premier League)

  • In an extraordinary match last week, Everton failed to score despite having 34 attempts. However, they are one of the league’s highest scorers and, for now at least, that match must be regarded as a one-off. Everton start as favourites here, not least because Bournemouth are more likely to rest their key players.

Blackburn Rovers v West Ham United – Sunday 1400

League Positions: Blackburn 18th (Championship), West Ham 7th (Premier League)

  • Although they scored three in their last match, Blackburn have struggled for goals and form, and will find West Ham a tough nut to crack.

Tottenham Hotspur v Crystal Palace – Sunday 1500

League Positions: Tottenham 2nd, Crystal Palace 13th (both Premier League)

  • Tottenham’s title ambitions are very much alive, and given their potentially huge fixture workload, it is highly unlikely that a full strength Spurs side will take the field here. However, with Palace in a dreadful run of form, a home win has to be the most likely result.

Chelsea v Manchester City – Sunday 1600

League Positions: Chelsea 12th, Man City 4th (both Premier League)

  • The second of a huge cup double header for Chelsea, following their Champions League match in Paris on Tuesday. Chelsea remain unbeaten in domestic matches under Guus Hiddink, and despite the relative league positions of the teams, in no way should the Stamford Bridge side be considered underdogs for this match. This is especially true as Chelsea have a free midweek after the fixture, while City will have an eye on their Champions League trip to Kiev. One cloud on the horizon for Chelsea could be weaknesses in central defence – John Terry has joined Kurt Zouma on the injury list.

Shrewsbury Town v Manchester United – Monday 1945

League Positions: Shrewsbury 19th (League One), Man Utd 5th (Premier League)

  • Shrewsbury are the last remaining team in the cup from outside the top two divisions, and whatever happens here they will have had a great cup adventure that will have massively boosted the club’s finances, and provided a welcome distraction from their relegation concerns. However, their run looks set to end here.

Tipster Street.

Friday 19 February 2016

Strengthen Your Betting Mindset

Making money from betting requires discipline.
It’s all to easy to get carried away, betting stakes too big, either for your current bankroll or for your current mindset.
For example, take someone new to betting.
They’ve done the basic due diligence and either found a proven tipster to follow or have been paper trading their own selections for a time and have now decided to start backing them with real money.
If they jump right in and start backing with £50 stakes right away and they quickly hit a dry spell.
Before they know it they’re down 30 points. That’s £1500 in real money terms.
Even if they have the bankroll to sustain this kind of loss without a problem, they would probably be feeling a little bit worried about losing that kind of money so quickly.
They might be so worried that they abandon their betting all together and cut their losses.
But if they had started out betting to smaller stakes, say £2, they would have only lost £60.
No big deal.
They are far more likely to continue on betting and if the tipster or selection process is profitable (which it should be if they have done enough due diligence) they will see a turn around in results along with some profit.
They would then realize that a 30 point downswing isn’t that bad and is actually quite normal.
This experience will have allowed their mindset to change and they will be much better prepared to deal with downswings now when betting to higher stakes.
And with the higher stakes will come higher profits.
But they might not be able to deal with the downswings at higher stakes, if they hadn’t first experienced them at lower stakes first.
If you’re looking for a proven tipster to follow, here are the ones I recommend:
Until next time,
Kenny Turnbull.

At Your Service,
Tipster Street.

Thursday 18 February 2016

FREE TIPS - 18th February 2016 (How Would You Like Profits Like These?)


Todays FREE TIP comes from our PRO Tipster FOOTBALL FEVER.

1PT @ 11/10 GENERAL


How would you like profits like these...

The monthly profit breakdown is from our PRO Tipster RACING GOLD.

806 points profit from 2pt level stakes, Quite astonishing don't you think?

This tipster has been consistently making profits for over three years and is once more making profits in 2015.

For more information on our tipsters please visit our website at

At Your Service,

Tipster Street.

Wednesday 17 February 2016

FREE TIPS - 17th February 2016

A nice profit was had yesterday for all of you that followed the four free tips from our trialing tipster FLAT ATTACK.

Today we are back with a free tips from our PRO Tipster FOOTBALL FEVER.

This tipster had two winning tips from two bets yesterday. They have one selection this evening.



For more information on FOOTBALL FEVER & all of our other tipsters please visit our website at

At Your Service,

Tipster Street.

Tuesday 16 February 2016

FREE TIPS - 16th February 2016

Today we are offering something a little different.

We are giving you FOUR selections free from one of our trialing tipsters.

This tipster goes under the name of 'FLAT ATTACK', and you can probably guess advises tips on flat racing.

This tipster has been proofing their selections live since mid-November with great success.

Their profits currently stand on +74.14 points. This is from 450 points staked giving a ROI of 16.47%.

Stakes are either 1pt or 2pts and are advised to Betfair SP, so everyone gets the same profits.

Today this tipster has FOUR selections...


Check out FLAT ATTACK and all of our other trialing tipsters for free every day by clicking HERE, or via our website link at

At Your Service,

Tipster Street.

A History Of Greyhound Racing (Part Two)

Several organizations, such as British Greyhounds Retired Database, Greyhound Rescue West of England, Birmingham Greyhound Protection, GAGAH, Adopt-a-Greyhound and Greyhound Pets of America, and the Retired Greyhound Trust try to ensure that as many of the dogs as possible are adopted. Some of these groups also advocate better treatment of the dogs while at the track and/or the end of racing for profit. In recent years the racing industry has made significant progress in establishing programs for the adoption of retired racers. In addition to actively cooperating with private adoption groups throughout the country, many race tracks have established their own adoption programs at various tracks.


Greyhound racing has been a source of controversy in recent years. Animal protection organizations such as the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and the Humane Society of the United States are opposed to commercial greyhound racing, due to industry standard practices they say are cruel and inhumane.
The humane community has utilized the legislative process to end dog racing and improve the conditions for racing greyhounds. For example, in March 2014, Gov. John Hickenlooper signed a measure that prohibited commercial greyhound racing in Colorado, making it the 39th state to outlaw the activity.

There has also been criticism of commercial racing internationally, particularly regarding the overbreeding of dogs, concealment of injury figures, high euthanasia rates and mismanagement of the UK and Irish greyhound industries. For example, an independent 2014 review of the Irish Greyhound Board criticized the body's corporate governance, its handling of animal welfare issues, and poor financial performance.

In Australia, Greyhound Racing NSW's Chief Executive Brent Hogan admitted that an estimated 3,000 greyhounds are euthanized each year in that state alone.
In February 2015 an undercover report discovered the use of 'live bait' to train dogs for racing in Australia. This is illegal in many countries, including the UK and Australia, and against the rules and regulations of the UK Animal Welfare Act 2006.

The Australian Greyhound Racing Association  is divided into many state governing bodies, which regulate greyhound welfare and living conditions. Some racing authorities in Australia, partly finance some of the Greyhound Adoption Groups, which house dozens of greyhounds a month.

Each Australian State and Territory has a governing greyhound racing body. Greyhound Racing New South Wales  and Greyhound Racing Victoria  are the two largest authorities, governing over 40 racetracks.

The Queensland Greyhound Racing Authority, Western Australian Greyhound Racing Authority, Tasmanian Greyhound Racing Authority, Greyhound Racing South Australia, Northern Territory Racing Authority, and the Canberra Greyhound Racing Club, all contribute to running and monitoring of greyhound racing in Australia as it continues to grow.

Major greyhound racing venues include Wentworth Park in Sydney, Cannington Park in Perth, Angle Park in Adelaide, Albion Park in Brisbane and Sandown Park in Melbourne.
Many adoption programs have been set up throughout Australia known as Greyhound Adoption Program or Greyhounds As Pets, GAP. They generally work with their Greyhound Racing Administration. Greyhounds are checked for parasites, malnourishment, or any other medical conditions by an on-course vet before being able to compete.
Greyhounds are usually bought and sold as puppies just after having been whelped or as racing dogs that have been fully trained via word of mouth on the track or via the few greyhound trading and sales platforms. In Australia the buying and selling of greyhounds is controlled and regulated by the states and territories.

A 2015 television investigation revealed widespread use of small live animals as bait, to train greyhounds to chase and kill. As a result, many in the industry have called for a complete overhaul of greyhound racing's controlling bodies in Australia.

New Zealand 
In New Zealand, around 700 dogs are bred each year for racing, and around 500 are imported from Australia. Over 200 are retired annually by a charity established and partially funded by the New Zealand Greyhound Racing Association. Many greyhounds are kept as pets or rehomed by their trainers after racing as well as a large number rehomed by other greyhound adoption organizations throughout the country. Some greyhounds are even returned to overseas owners. Greyhound racing is a NZ$75 million industry. There is some concern over the welfare of New Zealand racing greyhounds by a small Anti Racing community that has led the racing industry to initiate its own internal inquiry into their outcomes, injuries and welfare.

South Africa 
In the Republic of South Africa dogs are kept with their owners. Due to the amateur state of racing, owners are usually also the trainer and rearer of the dogs; it is very rare that a dog is kenneled with a trainer.

Racing is controlled by a partnership between the United Greyhound Racing and Breeders Society  and the South African Renhond Unie . The studbook is kept by the South African Studbook and organization who keep studbooks for all stud animals. Racing takes place on both oval and straight tracks. Racing is illegal in South Africa.

United Kingdom 
Greyhound racing is a popular industry in Great Britain with attendances at around 3.2 million at over 5,750 meetings in 2007. There are 26 registered stadiums in Britain, and a parimutuel betting tote system with on-course and off-course betting available, with a turnover of £75,100,000.

On 24 July 1926, in front of 1,700 spectators, the first greyhound race took place at Belle Vue Stadium where seven greyhounds raced round an oval circuit to catch an electric artificial hare. This marked the first ever modern greyhound race in Great Britain.
Greyhound racing in Great Britain is regulated by the Greyhound Board of Great Britain . Greyhounds are not kept at the tracks, and are instead housed in the kennels of trainers and transported to the tracks to race. Those who race on the independent circuit, do not have this regulation.

There have been 133 regulated tracks  and 256 known independent tracks since 1926.
At American tracks greyhounds are kept in kennel compounds, in crates that are approximately three feet wide, four feet deep, and three feet high. Most kennels turn the dogs out 4 to 6 times per day. Each turnout can be from 30 to 90 minutes.
In addition to state law and regulations, most tracks adopt their own rules, policies and procedures. In exchange for the right to race their greyhounds at the track, kennel owners must sign contracts in which they agree to abide by all track rules, including those pertaining to animal welfare. If kennel owners violate these contract clauses, they stand to lose their track privileges and even their racing licenses.

In recent years, several state governments in the United States have passed legislation to improve the treatment of racing dogs in their jurisdiction. During the 1990s, seven states banned gambling on live greyhound racing. In November 2008, Massachusetts held a vote to ban greyhound racing, which passed 56% to 44%. Currently, 39 states and the territory of Guam have standing laws banning the practice, and four more states do not practice greyhound racing despite the practice not being illegal there.
Between 2001 and 2011, the total amount gambled on greyhound racing nationwide declined by 67%. In fact, gambling on dog races has declined for twenty consecutive years.

In Florida, where 12 of the 22 operational dog tracks in the US remain, the financial decline is even more significant. In the state, the amount gambled at dog tracks declined by 72% between 1990 and 2013. According to a study commissioned by the legislature, the state lost between $1 million and $3.3 million on greyhound racing in 2012.

Tipster Street.