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Sunday 27 September 2015

Weekend Sporting Round Up


Wales 59 - Uruguay 9 earlier in the week, the English were next.

It can’t be denied, it was time to trounce the English and boy did they get trounced. What a match. Back and forth, back and forth right up to the last minute.  Every Welsh supporter on the edge of their seats, I could barely stay in the room to watch. I got so excited and like everyone else in red waiting and waiting for that final whistle. I jumped up and cheered at the last.

The red dragon beating the white dragon.
From a manuscript written by a Welsh historian

English defeated on home ground by the Welsh in the Rugby World Cup was unthinkable; unless you are Welsh of course, (and I am, well half Welsh anyway), in which case it was entirely possible.  Fabulous match, just fabulous. Excellent play on both sides. Up the Welsh. Let the red dragon fly high. England and Wales have been playing against each other since 1881. This was the one to win and they did.

South Africa:

Time to regain your reputation South Africa having been beaten by Japan. Whilst the USA were beaten by Samoa in their last match the Samoans have yet to beat The Springbok. Maybe this weekend they will. No tears from me if South Africa loose.  All cheer for Samoa. They do the Siva Tua before each match. It is a war dance. Here it is  The All Blacks do it this way.

F1: Japan

I wish better luck to Lewis Hamilton for his race in Japan this weekend having gone out of the Singapore Gran Prix last weekend. Still ahead in the driver’s championship he needs to get a move on to become unassailable. Lewis is always good in the rain but it may be dry for the race itself. Who knows what Sunday will bring. 2nd on the grid, it’s time to overtake now Lewis, rock and roll.

Formula 1 we must remember is not a safe sport. The drivers risk their lives bring us the excitement that is Formula one racing. In deference to Jules Bainch who died in July 2015 from head injuries sustained in the Japanese Gran Prix of 2014, the FlA have retired his permanent race number, the number 17.

Golf: PGA Championship

The PGA (Professional Golfers Association) in Atlanta is going well for Paul Casey, 5 under par and currently number 3 on the leader board after round 3. Rory Mcllroy, 4 under par and number 6 with Justine Rose is number 8.  That’s 3 Brits in the top ten. Let us hope the 4th round goes really well for all three.


Nominees for the PCA (Professional Cricketers Association) Player of the Year Award have been announced. They are Jonny Bairstow, Matt Coles, Ashwell prince and Chris Rushworth. Presentations take place at Tobacco Dock in London on Tuesday 29th September.

Athletics :

Over in Turkey on the 19th our young athletes, both men and women came third in the European Champions Clubs Cup for Juniors. Two clubs represented Great Britain, Blackheath and Bromley Harriers (women) and Shaftsbury Barnet Harriers (men). They came in behind Turkey and Spain.

That’s it for this week folks except for one item:

Only in America: -

Jemima J. Jones - Blog Writer

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