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Monday 30 March 2015

How To Make It Pay


When anyone finds out what I do for a living, the first question they ask is 'How do you make sports betting pay'?

The answer is boring but the honest truth...
Patience and professionalism.

You have probably heard the saying that 'Only two percent of bettors make money from betting'. The real truth is that it's less than one percent.

The reason for this is simple, the other ninety nine percent do not have the patience or professionalism to make it pay.

Most bettors are seen as 'fun gamblers' who has the weekend bet for a 'few quid'. May be a Football accumulator that will pay out at silly odds. This is all well and good, but I simply fail to see the 'fun' in losing money no matter how big or small the amount. 

On Tipster Street all our services make profits in the long term. If they didn't they wouldn't be on our platform. No tipster or service can make profits day in day out or week in week out. Bettors need to look at the long term profits and be professional in the way they approach sports betting.

Being the owner of Tipster Street I see it day in and day out when members cancel a service subscription after a small poor run. The reason they do this is because they have failed to be professional in following a service. May be they have not taken the staking advice, may be they have altered the original advice. May be they haven't used a betting bank, so after a poor run there money has been lost.

If you are not following any service to the law, and you do not have a betting bank to over see the 'highs and lows' you will not make profits. Indeed you can argue that following a service is pretty much pointless.

In future blogs I shall be going in to this subject in far more details. In the meantime if you are serious in making a good living from sports betting do the following....

Get yourself together a betting bank.

Do your homework on any services of interest. Check out their winning runs and losing runs and look at archive results. Work out the staking you will require to offset a profit (on average per month) minus the subscription cost.

Open as many betting accounts as possible. Most bookmakers now offer incentives to get you on board. Use these free money offers in setting up your betting banks.

If a service/tipster regularly offers discounts and special offers, wait until the next one to get yourself a good deal.

That's all from me today, please check out our blog regularly for updates, free selections and special offers.

Have a great day.

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