Follow Professional Tipsters

Friday 12 June 2015

Tipster Street Proofing Goes LIVE!


The midnight oil has been burning, pints of coffee have been drunk and I have yet to see daylight for over a week!

Well not quite, but you get the gist of it!

We are putting together all of our current proofing tipsters together, in one big google spreadsheet!

There are more to add in the coming days and weeks as we upload the data and files on to the new google doc.

But we didn't want you to miss out any further so you can get started from today!

There are seven tipsters on our google spreadsheet doc at present. Selections and results will be updated daily so you can keep up to touch with what tipster has advised each day. Simple check your google doc for the information.

Your google doc code is below. 

Remember all of this information is completely FREE. Many tipster platforms charge for their proofing tipsters selections!

Follow your proofing tipsters of choice and receive free winners. Don't forget that when successful proofers get a place on our tipster platform, you will be offered a special discount rate here on the blog for being a regular reader and follower.

Have a great day.

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