Follow Professional Tipsters

Tuesday 31 May 2016

I Want To Tell You A Story....

Without sounding like Max Bygraves (for those who are old enough to remember!), 

Today 'I Want To Tell You A Story'.

All be it, a short one.

It's a story of how to be professional with sports betting.

In short, there is only one way to win at sports investing.

That is by being professional.

This is the main ingredient.

You could be following a fantastic tipster or may be following a fabulous system or strategy. But if you lack professionalism you will NOT make a profit.

A prime example of this occurred over the past few days on the Tipster Street platform.

One of our Pro Tipsters 'THE PROFESSOR'S FORMULA' had been going through a lean spell this month.

To be honest they had been mightily unlucky.

This tipster advises win bets to Betfair SP using 1pt, 2pt & 3pt stakes.

Up until this month this tipster had made 70 points profit with a fantastic ROI due to the selective nature of the service.

However no matter what the tipster did in May, they simply kept 'hitting the post' with their selections.

A few of the results are below...

Filament Of Gold - 2nd 30.0 BSP
Cote D'Azur - 2nd 9.56 BSP
Champagne Champ - 2nd 9.4 BSP
Refleckor - 2nd 5.36 BSP
Street Artist - 2nd 5.5 BSP 

The unprofessional members left this service over the month.

Why would this be?

The simple answer is because they were not doing what they were advised.

May be they were altering their staking?

May be they weren't using a betting bank?

May be they simply did not trust the tipster in turning this months loss in to a profit in the next few months, they simply hadn't got the patience to sit and wait?

So what happened?

Yesterday THE PROFESSOR'S FORMULA advised two selections (below).

12.45 Redcar - Whiteandgold, 1pt Win @ BSP
3.55 Leicester - Lady Of Camelot, 3pt Win @ BSP

The results...

Whiteandgold WON @ 2.39 BSP
Lady Of Camelot WON @ 44.59 BSP

Profit made on the day after Betfair commission deduction....

+ 125.56 points.

This short story simply confirms that the only way to win at sports investing ...

Is to be professional.

Do your homework on your tipster.

*Does the amount of selections they advise suit you.
*Does the strike rate suit your betting style.
*Can you make a good enough income from the betting bank they advise.

The above are just a few of the many questions you must ask yourself before you sign up to a tipster.

You can become a member of THE PROFESSOR'S FORMULA for just £3.79 by clicking here

At Your Service,

Tipster Street.

Monday 30 May 2016


Because it's Bank Holiday Monday I thought we should do something a little different today.

Why not give you a 26 tips completely FREE!

To be honest, we're cheating a little. You see these tips are FREE EVERY DAY.

But we do want to highlight the FREE PROFITS available every day by following our trialist tipsters who are currently proofing LIVE.

Check out tipsters such as...

VALUE FAVS who have amassed over 51 points profit this month and have never had a losing month!

GLENN WHELAN who has made over 184 points profit this year!

NH SUPREMO who has made an astonishing 106 points profit from just 110 tips!

There are seven tipsters currently live proofing their tips daily. 

If your not following you ARE missing out on big profits for FREE.

Below are the tips for day, but check our our tipsters every day by following the links here >

For more information on all of our tipsters please click the link above.

RACING MAXIMIZER - Stop After A Winner








VALUE FAVS - All selections are 2pt Win


Saturday 28 May 2016

'Crikey They Had A Losing Day'!

Yes, the headline rings true.

They had a losing day.

What are we talking about?

Our trialist tipster RACING MAXIMIZER has been highly spoken about in the last week.

Well, On Thursday they had a losing day. It was their first losing day of the month.

But we need not worry because they were back on the profit trail once more yesterday.

If you haven't yet checked out this tipster please do so today at

Here you will find all of our tipsters who are currently proofing their selections live every day.

RACING MAXIMIZER is a new tipster who have made profits in seventeen of their eighteen betting days this month!

That link again >

At Your Service,

Tipster Street.

Thursday 26 May 2016

FREE TIP - Thursday 26th May 2016

Today we bring you a FREE Tip from Pro Tipster EACH WAY EARNERS.

Today's Selection

4.50 Chelmsford - Assertive Agent,
1pt Each Way @ 7/1 General.

For the past few days we have blogging about new tipster that has now been named RACING MAXIMIZER. Well due to demand we have now set up this tipster on our trialist area. You can now view all their tips each day live.

They didn't disappoint once more yesterday with another profit.

If my maths are correct I believe that RACING MAXIMIZER has now had 16 betting days in the month of May, and ALL of them have been profitable!

Check out todays selections, along with all of our other live tipsters here >

At Your Service,
Tipster Street. 

Wednesday 25 May 2016

'We Got Them In Early'!

In the past few days we have been talking about a tipster who has got us all excited at Tipster Street HQ.

Yesterday we gave you a small insight to what you can expect from this tipster, and they didn't disappoint did they?

They made a +2.25pts profit from their first selection, and that meant 'job done' again.

For those of you that missed yesterdays blog please scroll down to see what all the fuss is about.

Now, yesterday we mentioned that this tipster (with no name) wouldnt be joining the trialist team for another few weeks. This was because he was preparing to take a well earned rest before getting back in to business of providing winners & profits.

However, this tipster's holiday pretty much ties in with the relocation of our business. As you are likely to know if your a follower of the trialist tipsters...

On the home page we have mentioned that there WILL be disruption to the trialist area between 5th-16th June.

So we thought we would get our tipster on board now for that extra week of tips before we pretty much close down the trialist area of ten days.

We can also reveal that our tipster will be known as the Racing Maximizer.

This months selections and results have now been uploaded to the trialist area and can be viewed by clicking through the links here >

Today the Racing Maximizer has uploaded three selections, but remember that they are only looking to make between 1-2pts profit, so as soon as they hit a winner we stop the bets for the day.

Todays selections...

Bet1 3.15 Market Rasen - Our Cat, 1pt Win (2/1 Hills)
Bet2 3.40 Hamilton - Millefiori, 3pts Win (4/6 Hills)
Bet3 6.10 Newton Abbot - Mia's Storm, 5pt Win (1/1 Hills)

Please note prices were correct last night when uploaded.

Please check out the Racing Maximizer and all of our other tipsters live selections today at

At Your Service,

Tipster Street.

Tuesday 24 May 2016

Amazing Tipster Joining Trialist Area Soon (Two Free Tips Inside)

Yesterday I mentioned a new horse racing tipster that we are very excited about at Tipster Street HQ.

This tipster has come through our first round of proofing with flying colours, and will be joining the trialist area in a few weeks time.

The reason there is a delay is simply down to the tipster taking a well earned break after perfecting this fantastic formula of winning on horse racing.

However, after checking this months results I wanted to delve a little deeper in to what you can expect on their return.

This tipster does NOT bet every day, however you can expect around 20 betting days per month on average.

He uses his own unique way of finding value within horses at the lower prices of the market.

Hey, we all know that over 30% of favourites win, but to back them blindly would mean an early walk to financial meltdown. So our tipster has perfected away to find what favourites are actually value (their true odds) before advising a bet.

He then aims to win between 1pt - 2pts profit per day. When that profit is hit their are no more bets.

Let me explain... 

Here are the selections given to us for proofing purposes on 7th May 2016

Bet1 1.45 Lingfield - Baileys Mirage, 1pt Win (Placed 7/4) Lost -1.00
Bet2 2.30 Ascot - Sign of A Victory, 1pt Win (Lost 15/8) Lost -1.00 (-2.00)
Bet3 3.25 Lingfield - Mountain Bell, 2pt Win (Lost 13/8) Lost -2.00 (-4.00)
Bet4 3.55 Haydock - Dont Touch, 4pt Win (WON 5/4) Won +5.00 (+1.00)

This day was the furthest this tipster had to go before finding a winner. Indeed if the fourth horse had lost that would have been it for the day. We take our loss on the chin, after all there are hardly any losing days!

This tipster uses a maximum bank of 10pts per day.

So far in May our tipster has had 14 betting days. 

ALL 14 days have been profitable.

Profit for May stands at +20.83pts

There have been 33 points staked giving a ROI of 63%.

Fantastic profits I'm sure you will agree.

Yes, their are the odd losing day like any tipster service. But they are so few and far between they hardly matter!

We have seen many months of results and we are really excited about this tipster.

For a taster of what to expect in the future we have this tipsters bets for today.

24TH MAY 2016

Bet1 4.15 Wolverhampton - Scarpeta, 1pt Win (7/4 Hills)
Bet2 6.45 Wetherby - Udontdodou, 3pt Win (8/11 Hills)

This tipster always uses Hills bookmakers as they generally offer the best prices and are a 'Best Odds Guaranteed Bookmaker' (BOG).

Remember, this tipster is looking to make 1pt - 2pts profit per day. So if the first selection wins we dont place the second bet.

At Your Service,

Tipster Street.

Monday 23 May 2016

FREE TIP - Monday 23rd May 2016

Today we bring you a FREE TIP from our Pro Tipster ALEX REY SPORTS.

Today Alex has one selection from the French Open.

Tennis - WTA French Open

D.Gavrilova to beat M.Duque-Marino,
2-0 In Sets.

2pt Win @ 6/5 Coral

Please note - This match will is scheduled to be played on Tuesday morning at 10:00hrs BST


As you are likely to be aware, we offer you the chance to view hundreds of free tips each week in our trialist area.

Our trialists are tipsters who are proofing live their selections in the hope of gaining a spot on our Pro platform.

To reach the trialist area these tipsters have already under gone a stringent proofing period, so they really are tipsters to keep an eye on. Some of our trialist tipsters have yet to have a losing month!

In the coming weeks we shall be adding a new horse racing tipster to the trialing area. This tipster is a little different from the 'norm' and what we have had in the past.

This tipster will advise one to five selections each day with a progressive staking plan.

The maximum staking each day will be ten points, but most of the time much lower. The aim is to win one to two points profit each day, as soon as this target is met there are no more bets.

This tipster has been ultra consistent during the first stage of proofing to us, we believe that this tipster will be a fantastic additional to the trialist area coming soon. So please keep an eye out for this tipster in the coming weeks.

At Your Service,
Tipster Street.

Saturday 21 May 2016

FREE TIP - Saturday 21st May 2016

Today we are pleased to bring you a FREE TIP from Pro Tipster ALEX REY SPORTS.

Alex has been around for 'donkeys years' and continues to make consistent profits over the long term dealing in all sports that feature a ball!

So if your sport is football, rugby, tennis, golf or even table tennis Alex has it covered!

Alex has one selection today, details are below...


MANCHESTER UNITED to beat Crystal Palace,
2pt Win @ 8/11 Bet365.

For more information on this tipster and all of our other Pro Tipsters please go to


Make sure you receive our FREE TIPS every day direct to your email inbox by signing up here >


At Your Service,

Tipster Street.

* To £10 stakes

Thursday 19 May 2016

An Interview With Neil From Tipster Street

Tipster Street is one of the UK’s leading tipster platforms and it’s run by horse racing enthusiast Neil Stevens-Wood.
I recently got a chance to interview Neil at Tipster Street and ask him a couple of prying questions.
You can read the interview in full below:
When and why did you first become interested in betting and how did that interest end up leading to the existence of Tipster Street?
I first became interested in betting at the age of twelve.
My father has always enjoyed a bet on the horses and although a small bettor has had good success. Even on family holidays my father would get up at the crack of dawn to collect a paper from the nearest newsagents. He would study for an hour before breakfast, then place his bets in town before we got on with the family activities.
It wasn’t long before I was looking at the races each Saturday morning and picking seven horses for the ITV7 as it was known then. My father would take my bet to the local betting shop and I would watch the racing during the afternoon.
From the age of sixteen I started collating data and trying out my own systems and strategies. I was quite successful early on and from that moment I was hooked.
However like many bettors I got a little to greedy & lost my winnings built up over a yearly period.
It was then that I started to look closely at tipster services and products. I came across a few good tipsters, but also many awful ones and I was sure I could do better.
After many years of work and studying I start my own service via a premium rate number(it was a little before the internet boom) and it became very successful. At it’s peak I was receiving over 300 calls per day.
I became recognized in the industry as ‘one of the good guys’ which opened many new doors to racing clubs, trainers and jockeys. At this time I was receiving some very good information and making good money from ‘gambles’. Two that spring to mind were Luca Cumani’s ‘Zaralaska’ that won as promised with its head in its chest ridden by good friend Royston Ffrench.
Another gamble which got me hitting the headlines locally was with Grand National winner Montys Pass from Ireland.
I had heard six months in advance that this horse was being layed out and prepared solely for the race. I decided to place 10% of all my winning investments back on to this horse over this period at odds of 66/1 down to 16/1 on the day. Montys Pass duly obliged & was probably one of the easiest ever winners of the National & won me in excess of £35,000.
I continued to work in the tipping industry and as recently as 2013/14 I was joint owner of betting platform Tipster Warehouse.
After a successful 18 months it became noticeable that me and my business partner wanted to go in different directions.
My business partner wanted to go down the expensive exclusive route, whereas I wanted to offer professional services at value prices. I guess this was down to remembering my earlier assault of trying out ‘pro’ tipsters many years ago!
Therefore I decided to brake ranks and Tipster Street was born.
How do you think Tipster Street compares to similar services and what do you think separates Tipster Street from the competition?
I am eager to offer the best value possible. I remember how difficult it was trying to find successful and profitable tipsters many years ago when I first started out.
Of those tipsters that were profitable, they were simply far to expensive to follow. That is always in the back of my mind when I’m looking for tipsters for the Tipster Street brand.
There are many tipster platforms out there and I believe we now offer the best value around.
Platforms such as Betfan, BettingGods, Sportsworld Publishing, Winners Information Network, BetAdvisor etc. offer many different tipster services, but you can easily pay upwards of £99 a month for their products. Indeed their cheapest services will still cost more than our most expensive of tipsters!
Many of our tipsters are priced under £20 per month with just a hand full currently priced at £24.95 per month.
In the coming weeks ALL of our tipsters will be priced under £20 a month and even bigger savings are available by purchasing our quarterly subscription options.
We also offer two sets of free tips.
The first of these options lets you follow free tips from our Pro Tipsters. Each day we select a tipster from our Pro platform and give you their tips for the day for free. These come in the way of an email direct you your inbox around 11am each morning. We feel this is a great way to see what sort of tips each of our Pro tipsters offer and in the meantime make profits for free along the way.
If you’d like to register to receive free tips from our pro tipsters, just click here, scroll down the page, enter your name & email address and click “sign up here”.
The second option is to follow our trialist tipsters for free.
We have hundreds of tipsters contact us throughout the year in the hope of making a good income from tipping on our platform. But as you can imagine a very high percentage fall by the wayside due to our strict proofing policy. The successful applicants are given the opportunity to join our free trialist area where they can proof their tips openly to the betting public. This is a great way for these tipsters to gain a following, but equally important it gives bettors the opportunity to receive profitable tips each day for free.
Many of our Pro tipsters have joined our platform this way and there are a number of great tipsters currently making very good profits as we speak in our trialist area.
All tipsters are given a rigorous proofing period, some tipsters have been proofing to us for over a year before they are given a spot on our platform. As you will see some of our trialists have been live proofing for six months as we speak.
You can follow along with our trialing tipsters and view all of their past results byclicking here.
Finally, I believe our VIP Club offers absolutely outstanding value that cannot and never will be beaten.
Joining the VIP Club gives members access to ALL of our Pro tipsters for one low monthly price of just £35.
This is cheaper than 99% of our competitors sole tipster services!
All tipster selections are sent to members email inbox by 10:30am each morning. Our tipsters cover almost every sport so there really is something for everyone. The VIP Club also offers further discounts from our business associates as well as monthly cash prize draws and racecourse tickets.
You can find out more about our VIP club by clicking here.
All in all we believe we offer the best value around. We have some fantastic tipsters of which all are profitable in the long term. Many of our tipsters have been around for over three years and continue to provide profits for their members.
One last thing… Just in case you feel we don’t offer enough value, we offer a 75% discount on all first month subscriptions to ALL tipsters – So you can get started from as little as £2.79 a month.

You can take a look at Tipster Streets entire selection of pro tipsters here –